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Following a completed online examination of a remote pilot for the flight of an unmanned aircraft in the open subcategory A1, A3, the remote pilot gets a certificate of passing the remote pilot exam of the open category A1, A3.

Process description

  1. Service request
    Following a completed online examination of a remote pilot for the performance of unmanned aircraft flights in the open subcategory A1, A3, the remote pilot receives a system-generated statement of theoretical knowledge on his profile, the Civil Aviation Agency Services Portal, for a completed online exam for open category subcategory A1 and A3.

  2. Conformity assessment
    Online exam for remote pilots

  3. Receipt of services
    Following a completed online examination of a remote pilot for the flight of an unmanned aircraft in the open subcategory A1, A3, the remote pilot receives a statement on his profile, the Civil Aviation Agency Services Portal, for a completed online examination of theoretical knowledge of the open category A1, A3.

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